Welcome To The Tuesday Shell Factory Flea Market Adventures

Are we having fun yet? I sure am. Please follow me as I learn to blog and share with you my adventures at the Tuesday Shell Factory Flea Market. Every post will not always be funny,but I will try to make them interesting. Thanks

Big Bad Brad

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shell Factory Fleamarket Adventures

Hi! Guys,
Today is Tuesday in the Sunshine State, which means it is Shell Factory  Flea Market day. Let me give you a little background as to how the idea for this Blog came about. In October of 2010 our church begin having Sunday Worship services in the Party House at the Shell Factory in North  Ft. Meyers Florida. One of the staff suggested we have a space at the Tuesday Shell Factory Flea Market.  We contacted Richard, and  found out Tuesday's spaces are $12.00 and we needed to show up at 7:30 AM. Upon arriving on Tuesday, Jerry leads you to a space which is two standard parking spaces in the Shell Factory parking lot. The things I sell are items collected from members of the Calvary Connection Ministries members, friends, and relatives. The items vary each week. Well, this is getting lengthy so I will close for today, but in the next Blog I will begin relating humorous Adventures that happen between the sellers and buyers on Tuesdays at the Shell Factory Flea Market.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun. Keep me updated on the adventure! I love you very much!
